Friday, 20 June 2008

Fred Perrin Quattro

I got this knife

As part of a passaround on Britishblades, I am glad i didnt buy it its SHIT... Everyone who has had it agrees its useless

So here are my expert pics

S30v leek only used for reference to size
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On its own

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A few of MANY flaws with this little thing

The grind is well off dodgy machine marks, stiff mechanism, you would think after being used by a number of people it would loosen up but its still stiff and rough :|

Save your Money people ;-)

1 comment:

stanh said...

I bought one. Sharpened it a bit, stroped it from 0.5 micron to grey compound to green compound and it's a very sharp little knife.

I plan on adding some jimping on the base of the spine.
I think you , and many others, misunderstood this little knife's purpose: less threatening possible, very sharp urban blade. Yep, it looks like az nailclipper, on purpose: nailclippers aren't looking very threatening now are they?
I love it.