Friday, 11 January 2008


Biomechanics coursework DONE

now going to get on with the with revision...

Got the Super high grit sandpaper, going to get some wood treating stuff as well as some lower grit sandpapers,  thinking about 60, 120, 220, 400, 600

i was told that 600 is as high as you should go on wood any higher it dont absorb the oil...

cant wait for february as then i can get on with my  projects wohoo

oh yeah i also ordered a guycep necker, first custom i have ordered  :D and the UKPK is on its way :D

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Ok the new years not going to good as of yet, Just looked up what i got to do and it aint good...

Biomechanics - Coursework Deadline 11-1-2008 and i have just started it...
 - Exam 15-1-2008
Nutrition  - Coursework Deadline 1-2-2008
EBFAP  - Exam 24-1-2008

So skips going to be busy for the next month... got to stay off of the internet... must stay off the internet...

Hopefully i can bang this coursework out and give myself some time to chill before the next exam
i got to revise and do coursework for Biomechanics at the same time and they are on completley different areas  this sucks big time - WHY HAVE THE DUE DATE AND EXAMS AFTER CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS HONESTLY WHO DOES WORK AT CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!