i decided to get the Bali sorted out - since i am still waiting on the sandpaper to finish the folder, and i cant really be using a dremel at this time of the night.
So here's what happened:
Sanded and Shaped the Teak so that they would fit into the corresponding holes, didnt take as long as i thought but it was a bit of a pain due to them needing to be a tight tight fit so you get a flush finish.
this is how it looked after i had them all sanded and gave them a dry fit
i decided to mark them as they do not all fit in the others holes, so a quick bit of masking and numbering and its all good

then i got the epoxy out its a 2-ton epoxy (i am guessing that means its strong) but it takes a while to cure and needs pressure to hold it together so it can truely bond to the materials.
since i hadnt worked with this before i took 10minutes to read and understand the instructions, mixed it up and got it on the teak then inserted them in to the correct holes.
as i dont have loads of clamps (i have 2 i think) but i got 8 inserts i decided to go high tech, 2 lumps of steel and a weight lol
next update will be tomorrow as i cant do anything for at least 6 hours and i dont think i will be up at 6 to do some more work on it
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