Friday, 7 December 2007

First Blog

Well where to start, I am mainly starting this as i often find myself bored out of my head with loads of ideas buzzing around...

I guess the obligatory about me section is needed, I am a student so I got loads of spare time on my hands... even tho I am a third year doing a degree in Sports Science, I have competed at world level but recently I have not been training or competing, reason being I got put on medication (roaccutane more specifically isotretinoin) basically it stopped me training as it caused my muscles to go extremely stiff and it took days to recover from a training session so my fitness levels dropped and I did actually get quite depressed.  I finished the tablets about 3weeks ago and now I feel much better about myself and want to go and enjoy life.

The Hobbies, well I have a rather strange hobby and collection.  I have been collecting swords for a while and have a pretty good collection, although with the change in laws the collection had to stop (although I personally think that my collection is perfectly balanced), since the new laws I got more into the smaller blades.  Thus meaning Knives... I have a few production knives but since looking around and becoming familiar on a few forums I have started to make my own.  Yes making my own custom knives, unsure about selling them as i am doing this as a hobby and quite honestly the skills need to improve a great deal first.

I will  mainly be posting updates on what's going on with me, uni, my customs, etc. so expect loads of pictures, as I do have pretty strong views and opinions - I hope I do not offend anyone with my views.

Thanks for reading the ramblings of my first post


Skippy said...

Sorry about the font sizes i dont know why its going all different like that.

Moon said...

Good to see a young fella doing something constructive in his spare time and is willing to share his developing skills with others.
Best of luck skipp'